Addison & Bethany
Addison & Bethany

Wedding Party

Beth Stradwick

Beth Stradwick

The Bride

Beth and Bug now have one new addition to their family. Bug frequently questions how Addison pulled her... None of us can understand this Bug....
Addison Goold

Addison Goold

The Groom

Some would say his only good quality is his height. It seems like Beth would disagree though....
Amy-Lee Butler

Amy-Lee Butler

The Maid of Honour

Quiet and stealthy. This girl will steal your wallet.... Watch your back
Hadlee Goold

Hadlee Goold

The Best Man

He's a baddy with a sleeve tattoo. Irresistible and single. Call him at +61418409235. You're welcome ladies! (T's and C's apply)
Emily Westwood

Emily Westwood


This witty red head is the ultimate showstopper, lighting up every scene with sass and sparkle. Commonly mistaken as that ginger from Brave
Ben Stradwick

Ben Stradwick


If you ever get in a predicament head over to Greenwood Roche. He works on a variety of leasing and development matters and is assisting with PWA matters.
Jessina Goold

Jessina Goold


She's where she never thought she'd be.... At her geeky brother's wedding!
Jacob Gregory

Jacob Gregory


The best physio on planet earth. Loves to rub people knots
Georgia Bradley

Georgia Bradley


Careful! Georgia is prone to punching people. But it is ultimately a sign of her affection
Jonathan Pearse

Jonathan Pearse


Absolute unit of a man. One can only assume he hits legs 8 days a week.
Lois Wadsworth

Lois Wadsworth


The bubbly Brit! Known for her signature colour combination of black and... black.
Joseph Johnstone

Joseph Johnstone


While you might think Joe is a ginger, he would adamantly tell you he's actually strawberry brown